Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Apple Cake Cupcakes

These Happy Herbivore test recipe cupcakes were surprisingly good! They disappeared in minutes when I took them to my office yesterday morning. Your wait is almost over; I believe the e-cookbook is due to drop on November 1.

Thank you for all your cricket advice and anecdotes from the last post. It's nice to have someone to ask!


Anonymous said...

How the heck are you doing all this test baking??? You're amazing, and these things look fantastic!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...


aTxVegn said...

These cupcakes do look good. I love apples and I haven't baked with apples lately.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, they do look good! I like the apple cake idea. . .yet small enough that you don't feel at all guilty! :) (PS. I'm with Shellyfish--you are an amazing baker!)

KZ said...

oh, me so hungry. is it me or are apples better baked?